
My Favorite Baby Items That Weren’t On My Registry

I am kind of a freak when it comes to registering… I LOVED adding things to my registry, watching things get bought off my registry. It was the joy of my life! But, there were some items that I NEEDED that weren’t even on my registry.

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I only have a few of the items, because like I mentioned I LOVED registering… probably too much. I researched the best of everything and had friends who had babies go through my list and tell me what I needed and what I didn’t.

But, these items were life savers after having a baby and you wouldn’t find (most of them) on a registry.

Manual Breast Pump


Okay, Maybe this one is a kind of normal one. But, it’s not super typical and I definitely didn’t think I would really use it. (I actually did register for it, only because one of my friends swore by it). But, I LOVED it. If I was going to be sitting for a while I could use my normal electric pump. But, if I wanted just a quick pump session (or if I was cooking or riding in the car) I really did love this for that. I do feel like I could get more out with it and quicker too.

Button Light

Do you know what I’m even talking about? Here, I’ll show you.


I used to have one of these in my room when I was a kid. But, our daughter has been in her own room since day one. Which means lots of middle of the night nursing sessions. I didn’t want to have a night light in her room because I wanted her to be used to it being dark and I didn’t want to have to turn on the bright lamp either. For me, this was a life saver, I would walk in press the light and nurse away. It was bright enough that I could change a diaper but not too bright that it would start to fully wake her up. If your baby is in your room it may not be as big of a deal.

Rubber Bath Mat


I think I learned this trick because I was nannying and the kids were slipping around in the bath tub. But, I don’t know if I’ll ever give a baby a bath without using one of these. I really don’t like baby bathtubs… They’re big, obnoxious, grow mold and really, who can even clean their baby while their sitting in one. So, as soon as she was big enough to sit up on her own, I busted my rubber bath mat out and using that. We also have a wide sink so this fits perfectly in that and I just give her baths in the sink, no more slippin’ and a slidin’.

Safety Q-Tips


I actually received these as a gift and thought, “why do I need these?”. They have been awesome! I feel like I can clean her ears without worrying that I’m going to poke her brain out!

What things weren’t on your registry that you can’t live without?

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